Showing posts with label postcard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label postcard. Show all posts

Friday, 11 April 2014

10 Whoppers from The Jesus And Mary Chain

10 Whoppers from the Jesus and Mary Chain - ©japanese forms

Postcard included in the ‘Riot - North London Polytechnic, 15/3/85’
Fierce Panda Recordings - Fright046A

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Josef K : ‘Sorry For Laughing’ postcard

Josef K : ‘Sorry For Laughing’ - 7” single sleeve, 1981 (detail)

Postcard : PoliteCards

Design : Jean-François Octave / Les Disques du Crépuscule

Saturday, 1 September 2012

orange juice postcard (?)

Another find on the net. Supposed to be an Orange Juice postcard for the "You Can't Hide Your Love Forever" album. Can't recall this at all unless it was some kind of promotional thing. I copied the image from some Tumblr page* but, as usual, there was no information about its origin attached to the post. If anybody can help me out, I'll be glad to have any information on this. Anyhow, I'll be getting back to posting some original pics soon -notably a whole series of Orange Juice 12" singles that I've finally gotten out of the box that they've been stored in since my time in Glasgow in 2007-2008. japanese forms

 *Lots of people on Tumblr have been "borrowing" my own Sound of Young Scotland Flickr images for ages. It's next to impossible to prevent this on the web so its no real gripe as I occasionally "borrow" a pic too. Difference is that I always try to find out who took the photo and give it its credit if possible. It-really annoys me that there are assholes who "steal" my photos and post them as their own !

photo : source unknown