Showing posts with label paperhouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paperhouse. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2009

captain america - e.p.

captain america - e.p., originally uploaded by japanese forms.

captain america
paperhouse records (1991)
paper 014cd
4-track ep

First EP by the short-lived Captain America that Eugene Kelly formed after the demise of The Vaselines in 1989. Kelly formed Captain America -with friends and members of BMX Bandits and Teenage Fanclub- in 1990 but was forced to change the name when Marvel Comics objected about the use of their copyright to the name. A second Captain America EP, Flame On was released but to avoid being taken to court by Marvel the band, for their following recordings changed their name to Eugenius. The Vaselines (like so many other bands from yesteryear, sigh!) reformed in 2008 and are back on the tour circuit. their most recent performance being as support to Mudhoney in Edinburgh in October this year.

